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Female Force: Queen of England: Elizabeth II - Issue 1 (Preview)

Biography TidalWave 1.5K 7th Aug, 2021


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Queen Elizabeth II is one of the most iconic women (if not the single most iconic woman) of the post-World War Two era. She has had weekly meetings with all of the last 12 British prime ministers; for decades she has headed up the Commonwealth of Nations which currently numbers 53 countries including Canada, Australia, and South Africa; and she has spent serious time with all but one of the last twelve US Presidents. Her one omission because of the Vietnam War and her own pregnancy was LBJ. She has immense knowledge of domestic and international affairs and works quietly and subtly behind the scenes to bring a great deal of stability to matters. Through her children and grandchildren and now great-grandchildren she has ensured the continuation of the House of Windsor. And it was all really an accident. She was not born or initially raised to reign. It all came as a huge shock. As the elder daughter of the second in line to the throne, her role in life was doomed to be one of falling down the royal ladder. Instead, her childless uncle abdicated the throne to marry an American double divorcee and her dad sired only girls and no boys. So in her early 20s, she became Queen and now in her late 80s has few records left to break; she has ruled out ever abdicating herself to make way for her firstborn son Charles. Her mother lived to be 102 so there is much speculation that the Queen herself will, with modern medicine, hit 100 and that Charles will have a very brief if any reign at all. Thus a long reign by his firstborn William (son of Lady Diana) beckons. Few appreciate the richness and seriousness of Queen Elizabeth's role seeing her merely as some ceremonial person there to cut ribbons. Nothing could be further from the truth as this new TidalWave bio comic reveals.

Category: Biography

Available Date: Aug 2021

ISBN: 9781948216524

Print Size: 6.625 x 10.25

Book Format: Comic Book

Variant Cover: No

Pages: 28

Internal Printing: Color

Cover Paper Quality: 80# Gloss Text

Interior Paper Quality: 50# Uncoated Text

Printer: ArtistExpress

Printer Location: 2090 E University Dr Suite 108, Tempe, AZ 85281

Suggested Audience: All Ages

Name of Creator: Darren G. Davis

Name of Studio: TidalWave Productions

Production Team Credits: Writer: John Blundell; Artist: Luciano Kars & Ernesto Lovera

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Language: English

Female Force: Queen of England: Elizabeth II - Issue 1