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PDF Preparation

E reading - HTML5 Responsive Template
Once a retailer places an order for your book it will go to ArtistExpress to be printed, packaged, and shipped to them. Before uploading to Comic Distro, your Full Version/Print Ready PDF must meet printing standards and match the information that you submitted on Comic Distro's form.

Download Templates
File Format

  • PDFs - We only accept PDF format. All files for the book must be combined into one PDF. With the exception of book covers, combine each file as a single page in the PDF because no spreads are allowed.
  • High Resolution - All files for the book should be 300 DPI in resolution to insure that the files' digital quality remains sharp when printed.
  • File Size - The file size limit is 200MB.

Page Dimensions

  • Comic Books and Graphic Novels - Prepare each page to be 6.625" W x 10.25" H in order to allow for bleed area for the pages. Comic books and graphic novels will be printed at 6.625" W x 10.25" H.
  • Manga - Prepare each page to be 5.5" W x 7.75" H in order to allow for bleed area for the pages. Manga books will be printed at 5.5" W x 7.75" H.

Page Count

  • Comic Books - PDFs formatted for comic books must have a page count that is divisible by four. All pages of the book must be in sets of four outer wise, the unfilled space(s) will be blank.
  • Graphic Novels and Manga - PDFs formatted for graphic novels and manga books must have a page count that is divisible by two. All pages of the book must be in sets of two outer wise, the unfilled space will be blank.

Book Spine

  • Graphic Novels and Manga - Use this formula to help calculate your book's spine width: Page Numbers x .0025 = Spine Width

Preview Version PDF

  • This PDF version is web viewing through Comic Distro. A smaller file size and resolution quality are encouraged but it's recommended to match page dimensions of the Print Ready PDF version.

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